Saturday, August 29, 2009


I am a young conservative (for those of you that missed the big title at the top), who has some unique positions on major issues that face our great Nation.  After many discussions with many friends, I've decided to post writing that is concise, lacking in tripe, observing of history, and puts forward a convincing point of view that is often misrepresented or lacking in mainstream outlets.  I do not make any claims of infallible opinion, having any portion of my brain tied behind my back, or overwhelming intelligence or wit.  But my generation will face enormous challenges as we age, thus I'd like to put in my two cents and foster intelligent thought and conversation.  I welcome and look forward to comments and discussion.  We will become the future's Presidents, Senators, Mayors, Governors, and businessmen.  Let us discuss these issues and increase our knowledge so that we can intelligently fill these positions when our time comes, with honor and respect.