Thursday, February 11, 2010

2010 Nov. Big Republican Win = Continued Calamity

Its a dangerous time to be a Democrat Member of Congress or Senator.  With the Republican Party eyeing big wins in the November election, Democrats appear to be on their heels, at best.  Scott Brown's victory was a slap in the President's face, especially after Obama's last-minute trip to campaign for Martha Coakley.  The President soon after attempted to save face with a absolutely stupefying analysis: "The same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office.   People are angry, and they're frustrated.  Not just because of what's happened in the last year or two years, but what's happened over the last eight years."  Simply stunning.  To say that Democrat  Martha Coakley was defeated by a Republican in Massachusetts because people are still upset about W's policies is absurd!  It becomes more and more clear that Obama is turning into Carter faster than Carter did.  It is this kind of stunning ignorance combined with incredible arrogance on the Left, that heavy victories for the Republicans are to be expected in November.  

That said, I find myself fearing a Republican victory in November.  Rather, to set this country on track again, a Conservative victory is needed.  In these times, when Congressional approval ratings are riding lower than the Lusitania, and the President's approval rating headed that direction, its increasingly popular to be seen as a conservative.  Fox News has more viewers than ever, Rush and the rest of the talk radio guys are doing well, even John McCain and Lindsey Graham try to assume the Conservative mantle.  They certainly will throw off that mantle when it is "safe" to appear more liberal, as they have done in the past.  

The American people want to place their faith, and their votes, into Members and Senators who will return this government to one that is fiscally disciplined (FY 2010 $1.75 trillion DEFICIT), non-intrusive (Let's Move Program, oh, and an extra $10 billion for that), and facilitate a real recovery (Four million jobs lost last year, and no end in sight).  The caution here is this: if Republicans win in huge numbers, but don't act on traditional conservative values and do what the American people pay them to do, we will see another episode of "Throw the Bums Out, Episode 2012", only it will be the Elephant that gets tossed out on his big ear.  This is a tremendous opportunity that is in many ways similar to the late 1970s.  It is clear that the United States is in very perilous positions on many fronts (war, unfunded entitlement liability, recession), and it will take strong, intelligent, Conservative leadership on many levels to ensure continued American prosperity.   

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. I like this commentary. You noted Mr. Obama's haggard excuses on the Massachusetts vote. Whatever Obama says, the MA voters rejected the Kennedy 40-year legacy and push for universal [government-run] health care. As the Obama savior-mystique fades, so does the appeal to his statist views. My hope is that political leadership recognizes vein-deep integrity and self-sacrifice are necessary at every level to continue the American Republic.
